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Who are we?

Well, quite easy to explain that question, of course that is if you asked! But anyway, we are a group of "Proffesional" Paintballers, If that is what you call it! We aim to achieve better ranks and better Members/Staff every month so we can play the odds and defeat them. We call ourselves proffesionals because we earn our money through the business, so in case you were wondering, yes that does mean thousands of pounds worth of gear was used in our achievments, But still, we play because we believe it is a great way to pass time and make new friends.

Why do we play?

To be honest, the main reason most of us play is because when we do play, we get a sense of excitement which you can't get in any other job, which is tagging aother person on field and hearing the horn go when you realize you have won the game! It is almost a sese of immortal achievemet, which may sound stupidly weird but hay! We can get great feelings and friends from a game so far down in the popular list that we honestly don't care what others think of us, it's about the game, friends and fun not about the spoilt rats who run rings of anger because they got eliminated! Screw those people, they are a bad excuse for a player.


our new shop!

Ok so you may have noticed, but we have a new shop on the website, therefore if you are looking for any of our products, they will be in that section of the shop. If it redirects you to another shop of ours, do not be alarmed, it is just what the site has been programmed to do! Thanks - Sean McKay


Some of  us want to know you guys a bit more/Get to know you better so we have put together a small list of objectives that you guys should email back to us with the answers for! It's a bit like a quiz, if you win it, you can come practice with us at our local practice area for free! It will be a great day out.

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